Private midwives are fully qualified, registered midwives who have undergone the same level of midwifery education and training as their NHS colleagues. The difference is simply that we have chosen to provide care outside of the NHS giving women and their families one-to-one, women-centred care. As experts in providing care, we are able to recognise any deviation from the normal and can refer appropriately should this be required.

Siobhan and Sarah, I am not really sure where to start…! when mum suggested I should have an independent midwife, I said I didn’t think I needed one as I didn’t want a fuss made. However talking through all the details it became apparent that this was actually a wonderful idea that we would have two people who knew the ropes to guide us through this adventure. When we met you. our decision was made immediately to take you on…I can truly say I am not quite sure what we would have done without you and no matter what i say I cannot thank you enough. …The support you both gave us throughout was incredible with your kick arse'(!!) attitude, mothering skills, stories, humour and practical advice have all made this a good experience…who know when the dust settles we will be calling you again!

D and L