
Becky will support you throughout your labour and birth. A relationship of mutual trust is built up during the antenatal period when continuity of carer is provided and at Cambridge Midwives we continue this care through labour and birth, making this special time feel more personal and private. Such care further empowers parents, helping them to fully prepare for their new arrival. In addition, research has shown that women are more relaxed, need less pain relief and labour more efficiently when attended by a midwife whom they know.

At Cambridge Midwives, we support home birth, believing women feel more in control when in their own homes. Indeed, fathers often report feeling more involved following a home birth. We will also prepare your home for the births.
Here is an article written by one of our lovely clients about her recent home birth:

–  http://www.joyfulbirthbaby.com/baby-sofias-birth-story/

If a couple choose to have their baby within the hospital setting, NHS midwives will encourage them to stay at home for as long as they feel able. In this situation, Becky will support you while at home, then continue this support and act as your advocate within the hospital setting, either within the Midwifery Led unit or Obstetric Led Unit of your chosen NHS hospital. Likewise, if you opt for an elective Caesarean Becky can act as your advocate in the Delivery Unit or pre and post theatre.

I struggled with a lot of anxiety during my pregnancy so I decided that I needed more support when the baby is here. From the first time I spoke to Sarah I found her so knowledgeable and understanding. She wanted me to feel as comfortable as possible during labour, so she gave me information on what exactly to expect and helped me with my birth plan.
We started seeing Sarah from day 3 of our little boy’s life. She helped us by answering all of our questions, and reassured us when we were felling overwhelmed. She made the first month as new parents much easier and more pleasant than it could have been because we knew we could always depend on her for advice. We will a be grateful to her.She is also incredibly cool and fun to be around, which is very helpful when your mood is down from all the sleepless nights!!

Sarah supported me through my anxiety